Posted tagged ‘run your own campaign’

“I choose to lead an anti-government crusade that attacks the modern day, status quo of the federal bureaucracy”

May 20, 2009

Welcome to the online campaign headquarters of Kempite 4 Prez

For live interviews, announcements, and press conferences please join us in the Campaign  Press Briefing Room below

Kempite is not your ordinary Republican.

He is a bleeding heart Jack Kemp conservative who understands that both the Republican Party and our government have lost their way and he seeks to lead us in the direction Photobucket that our constitution intended.

As such, Kempite seeks to be a President who focusses on state’s rights and bringing to the federal government a sense of legislative restraint that will prevent the federal government from increasing in size and scope and intefering in areas of our lives that it was never meant to intrude upon.

Proof of this is demonstrated in the platform that Kempite is running on.

It includes a call to begin the reversal of the federal government’s excesses by dismantling at least four cabinet level, federal agencies.

Kempite also seeks to not tinker with taxes but rather reform the current, outdated and oppressive tax system and adopt a flat tax that offers one rate for all Americans.

With a driving focus on personal economic empowerment, a reduction in the size and th_kempitebuttonscope of the federal government, state’s rights, national security, energy independence and the non-negotiable demands of human dignity, Kempite promises to shake up the status quo and recreate a federal government that is truly for the people, by the people and of the people.

Beyond the issues, Kempite promises to devote hours a week to the advancement of   He promises to be an advocate for the entire community of candidates and a constant conduit between them and the adminstrators of U4Prez.

As President, Kempite will institute regularly scheduled debates among weekly winners.  He will establish a committee of qualified volunteers to assist in the coordination of debates, as well as other committees that will establish programs to help promte U4Prez, have input on site features and even develop regulary scheduled online seminars with expert guests in the field of politics or on different issues as well as those from advocacy groups, and possibly even elected officials or candidates for elected office.

Under a Kempite administration, althoug he will always advance and defend his personal and political beliefs as an indivdual, when it comes the improvement of the site and concerns of the candidates, Kempite will offer the type of attention and action that responsible and effective leadership demands.

To the right of this page you will find a list of Kempite’s positions on everything from taxes to Tehran.

Please take a moment to review them to better understand where the man who seeks to insure your pursuit of happiness stands.

And remember,

Say no to the status quo. Vote  KEMPITE on